The fastest way to boost brain fitness.

Mindeo's brain health sessions are based on decades of research. SynapFit® offers a new way to proactively improve brain fitness. Evidence-based and available to all, this is the new era of looking after your health and wellbeing.

Built on a foundation of science. From the research lab, direct to you.

SynapFit® Sessions are evidence-based.

  • Developed based on the latest research on brain health, stress, and neuroinflammation.

  • Uses the methods and technologies that help improve these the most.

  • Sessions designed specifically to enhance the brain's foundations of healthy functioning.

Not a gym workout. Not a treatment. Unlike anything else.

SynapFit® Sessions are different.

  • Not a sweaty, intense workout that leaves you out of breath.

  • Not a visit to a medical office for testing and analysis that leaves you without next steps.

  • Benefits in energy, mood, focus and memory that you can feel in weeks, not months or years.

Don’t believe the myths.

SynapFit® Sessions are for all people.

  • Brain health is not something that only declines, you can be proactive and feel the improvements!

  • Better brain fitness doesn’t require intense gym workouts every other day, or hours-long physical activity.

  • You don’t have to be an athlete or exercise regularly. The benefits apply to everyone.

  • Keep your life steady - you don't have to upend your lifestyle to boost your brain wellbeing.

Learn about Mindeo's neuroscience

Dr Reza Ghomi, MD, MSE, talks about the biology of depression, anxiety and TBIs, and how Mindeo's approach targets the underlying neuroinflammation and helps speed up the healing process.

From the Research Lab, to your SynapFit session

In the past decade, scientific research has shown that inflammation affects not only physical health but also the brain and mental well-being. Things like long work hours, lost sleep, chronic stress, and lifestyle factors create inflammation that impacts the body and the brain, creating changes in mood, energy, and cognitive ability. In fact, a physically healthy brain is needed to feel great, think clearly, have ample energy, and fully experience the world.


Inflammation can have a significant impact on the brain. It can lead to immune responses in the brain, affecting cognitive function and causing symptoms such as memory lapses, confusion, depression, decreased physical activity, fatigue, and loss of appetite. Systemic inflammation can disrupt the blood-brain barrier, allowing proinflammatory agents to enter the brain and trigger an inflammatory response, which may lead to cognitive and behavioral symptoms. In neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, chronic inflammation can lead to overactive immune cells in the brain, causing increased inflammatory responses. Prolonged, elevated inflammation can also lead to a leakier blood-brain barrier, allowing immune cells to release inflammatory agents and cause neuroinflammation. This can ultimately alter key neural circuits and affect brain health. (1 2 3)

Immune Function

The immune system plays a crucial role in brain function, affecting mood, energy, and cognitive ability. Research suggests that the brain's cognitive function, plasticity, and ability to cope with psychiatric stress are dependent on the immune system(1). The interaction between the immune system and the brain is increasingly recognized as a key factor in cognitive dysfunction in various psychiatric disorders. Additionally, inflammation, which is regulated by the immune system, is increasingly implicated in cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases(2) Furthermore, physical activity, which is associated with immune function and neuroprotection, has been shown to have immune and neuroprotective effects on the brain in depression(3). These findings underscore the significant impact of immune function on brain health and its influence on mood, energy, and cognitive abilities.


Chronic stress can have a profound impact on brain health, affecting mood, energy, and cognitive ability. Prolonged stress can lead to the shrinkage of brain areas associated with regulating emotions, metabolism, and memory, potentially impairing cognitive function and mood regulation(1). Long-term increases in cortisol, a hormone released during stress, can damage the brain's prefrontal cortex, essential for focused attention and executive function, leading to cognitive impairment(2). Additionally, chronic stress has been associated with memory impairment, decreased attention span, and even the killing of new neurons in the brain's hippocampus(3). These changes can contribute to difficulties in learning, memory, and emotional regulation. Furthermore, stress promotes inflammation, which can adversely affect heart health and contribute to cognitive problems(4).

Mood Disruption

Poor brain health due to inflammation can have far-reaching effects on mood and mental health, contributing to conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, panic, ADHD, and PTSD. Research has established a strong association between depression and a chronic, low-grade inflammatory response in the brain, with increased oxidative and nitrosative stress contributing to the progression of the disorder(1,2). Inflammation has been linked to a 30% increase in the brains of individuals with severe depression, and it is increasingly recognized as a driver of depressive symptoms independent of other physical illness(2). Furthermore, chronic inflammation has been associated with increased risk for the development of various psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, and PTSD(3). The specificity of the impact of inflammation on behavior is becoming increasingly apparent, with evidence suggesting that it affects neurocircuits and neurotransmitter systems associated with mood and cognitive function(4).

Causes of Inflammation

The common causes of neuroinflammation that impact mood, energy, cognitive ability, and sleep include chronic sleep deprivation, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and stress. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to low-grade neuroinflammation, resulting in anxiety, learning and memory impairments, and mood disturbances(1). TBI is also a significant factor, as it can lead to neuroinflammation and subsequent neuropsychiatric outcomes, including mood disturbances and cognitive dysfunctions(1). Additionally, stress has been associated with the shrinkage of brain areas regulating emotions, metabolism, and memory, which can contribute to neuroinflammation and its impact on mood and cognitive function(2). Furthermore, acute sleep deprivation has been shown to disrupt emotion, cognition, inflammation, and cortisol levels, indicating a strong link between sleep disruption, inflammation, and mood changes(3). Therefore, addressing these factors is crucial in mitigating the impact of neuroinflammation on mental well-being.

Evidence Based SynapFit® Sessions

SynapFit® combines bioaccelerating technology and movement to improve brain fitness - the brain’s physical health and ability to support mental health, cognitive ability and energy levels. Your coach guides you through your private session and you leave feeling energized and refreshed.

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Red Light Therapy

Specific wavelengths of light support anti-inflammatory processes across the body, providing a healthier foundation for your brain, without the risks of sun exposure.

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Gentle Compression

Enhances the effects of interval training by increasing lactic acid levels. This signals growth hormone, supporting cognitive function and brain cell development, without pushing your muscles harder than needed.

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Dynamic Body Cooling

Minimizes energy lost through sweating, keeps blood in the muscles and organs, and increases endurance, making exercise easier than usual, just like a jogger who runs faster on a cold day.

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Concentrated Oxygen

Improves cognition in young adults, adults and elderly people, fuels energy production, and also boosts cell maintenance functions, like what a mountaineer experiences coming back from high altitude.

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Movement with Intervals

Simulates walking in a hilly neighborhood, for 20 minutes. Interval training boosts your brain's blood flow, oxygen, and the molecule BDNF. This improves memory and protects brain cells, without the need for strenuous exercise.

Learn More (Research Study)

Your Path to Better Brain Health.

Depression, anxiety, brain fog, migraines, poor memory, sleep issues, concussions, and long COVID all have brain inflammation in common. It's time to take control of the inflammation in your brain.

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Learn about Mindfire
Learn about Mindfire