The Science Behind SynapFit

Based on decades of scientific research, years of R&D.

How Mindeo's brain fitness programs and approach works

At Mindeo, you can transform your life using the most advanced approach available.

A cutting-edge scientific approach is combined with the most advanced and specific tools available to help your brain and body quickly reduce inflammation and increase healing - so you can focus on living your life.

SynapFit® is great for your brain, great for your body.

Further Reading - Research Studies To Learn From

BDNF Levels
Exercise and BDNF
: Regular physical activity, especially high-intensity exercise, has been shown to elevate BDNF levels, which supports neuroplasticity and cognitive function.
Reference: Ferris LT, Williams JS, Shen CL. "The effect of acute exercise on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and cognitive function." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007.

Growth Hormone
Exercise and Growth Hormone
: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval exercise both increase growth hormone levels.
Reference: Godfrey RJ, Madgwick Z, Whyte GP. "The exercise-induced growth hormone response in athletes." Sports Med. 2003.
BFR and Growth Hormone: Blood flow restriction training also promotes growth hormone release.
Reference: Takarada Y, Sato Y, Ishii N. "Effects of resistance exercise combined with vascular occlusion on muscle function in athletes." Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002.

Exercise and Neurogenesis
: Regular aerobic exercise enhances neurogenesis, particularly in the hippocampus.
Reference: Voss MW, Vivar C, Kramer AF, van Praag H. "Bridging animal and human models of exercise-induced brain plasticity." Trends Cogn Sci. 2013.

Exercise and Cognition
: Interval training improves executive function, attention, and memory.
Reference: Themanson JR, Pontifex MB, Hillman CH. "Fitness and action monitoring: evidence for improved cognitive flexibility in young adults." Neuroscience. 2008.

Exercise and Inflammation
: Exercise reduces neuroinflammatory markers such as TNF-α and IL-6.
Reference: Gleeson M, et al. "The anti-inflammatory effects of exercise: mechanisms and implications for the prevention and treatment of disease." Nat Rev Immunol. 2011.

Brain Health
Exercise and Brain Health
: Cardiovascular exercise is associated with improved brain health and cognitive function in older adults.
Reference: Erickson KI, et al. "Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011.

Dementia Risk
Exercise and Dementia Risk
: Regular exercise reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.
Reference: Hamer M, Chida Y. "Physical activity and risk of neurodegenerative disease: a systematic review of prospective evidence." Psychol Med. 2009.

Testosterone Levels
Exercise and Testosterone
: Sprint intervals and high-intensity exercise boost testosterone levels.
Reference: Kraemer WJ, et al. "Changes in hormonal concentrations following different heavy-resistance exercise protocols in women." J Appl Physiol. 1993.
Red Light Therapy and Testosterone: Red light therapy may stimulate testosterone production.
Reference: Hamblin MR. "Mechanisms and mitochondrial redox signaling in photobiomodulation." Photochem Photobiol. 2018.

Cortisol Levels
Exercise and Cortisol
: High-intensity exercise initially increases cortisol, but chronic training can reduce resting cortisol levels.
Reference: Hill EE, Zack E, Battaglini C, et al. "Exercise and circulating cortisol levels: the intensity threshold effect." J Endocrinol Invest. 2008.

Other Hormones (Insulin Sensitivity, IGF-1)
Exercise and Insulin Sensitivity
: HIIT is effective at improving insulin sensitivity.
Reference: Babraj JA, Vollaard NB, Keast C, et al. "Extremely short duration high-intensity interval training substantially improves insulin action in young healthy males." BMC Endocr Disord. 2009.
IGF-1 and Exercise: Interval exercise increases IGF-1 levels, which supports tissue repair and growth.
Reference: Avazpour S, et al. “The Effect of Two Types of High-Intensity Interval Training on Serum Value of GH and IGF-1 in Overweight Nurses.” Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2020

Exercise and Sleep
: Regular aerobic and high-intensity exercise improves sleep quality and duration.
Reference: Kredlow MA, Capozzoli MC, Hearon BA, et al. "The effects of physical activity on sleep: a meta-analytic review." J Behav Med. 2015.
Red Light Therapy and Sleep: Red light therapy can promote melatonin production and improve sleep onset.
Reference: Figueiro MG, Rea MS. "Short-wavelength light enhances alertness and performance during the daytime." Physiol Behav. 2010.

Mitochondrial Function
Exercise and Mitochondrial Biogenesis
: High-intensity interval training enhances mitochondrial function.
Reference: Gibala MJ, et al. "Physiological adaptations to low-volume, high-intensity interval training in health and disease." J Physiol. 2012.
Red Light Therapy and Mitochondria: RLT enhances mitochondrial activity and ATP production.
Reference: Karu TI. "Mitochondrial signaling in mammalian cells activated by red and near-IR radiation." Photochem Photobiol. 2008.

VO₂ Max
HIIT and VO₂ Max
: Sprint intervals are highly effective at improving VO₂ max.
Reference: Wisløff U, et al. "Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients: a randomized study." Circulation. 2007.

Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength
BFR and Muscle Growth
: BFR training stimulates muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.
Reference: Loenneke JP, et al. "Low intensity blood flow restriction training: a meta-analysis" J Appl Physiol. 2012.

Endothelial Function
Exercise and Endothelial Health
: High-intensity exercise improves endothelial function and nitric oxide production.
Reference: Green DJ, Maiorana A, O'Driscoll G, Taylor R. "Effect of exercise training on endothelium-derived nitric oxide function in humans." J Physiol. 2004.

Blood Pressure
Exercise and Blood Pressure
: HIIT reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
Reference: Li L, Liu X, Shen F, Xu N, Li Y, Xu K, Li J, Liu Y. “Effects of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on blood pressure in patients with hypertension: A meta-analysis.” Medicine 2022

Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Glucose Control
Exercise and Glucose Control
: High-intensity interval training improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood glucose levels.
Reference: Little JP, et al. "A practical model of low-volume high-intensity interval training induces mitochondrial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle: potential mechanisms." J Physiol. 2010.

Fat Loss and Body Composition
HIIT and Fat Loss
: Sprint intervals are effective at reducing body fat and improving lean body mass.
Reference: Trapp EG, et al. "The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women." Int J Obes (Lond). 2008.

Injury Recovery and Tissue Repair
Red Light Therapy for Recovery
: Red light therapy promotes tissue repair and reduces muscle soreness.
Reference: Leal-Junior EC, et al. "Effect of phototherapy (low-level laser therapy and light-emitting diode therapy) on exercise performance and markers of exercise recovery: a systematic review with meta-analysis." Lasers Med Sci. 2015.

Immune Function
Exercise and Immune Health
: Regular moderate-to-intense exercise improves immune function.
Reference: Nieman DC, Wentz LM. "The compelling link between physical activity and the body's defense system." J Sport Health Sci. 2019.

Skin Health and Collagen Production
Red Light Therapy for Skin Health
: Red light is absorbed by mitochondria in skin cells, stimulating energy production and cellular repair processes
Reference: Umino Y, Denda M. “Effect of red light on epidermal proliferation and mitochondrial activity.” Skin Res Technol. 2023

Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Levels
Exercise and antioxidants
: Regular exercise can enhance the body's antioxidant defenses and reduce oxidative stress over time.
Reference: Ye Y, et al. “The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Oxidative Stress in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analsis.” Front. Physiol. 2021

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Mindeo is the “brain child” of Xenia Kachur, who in 2016 suffered a brain injury during a rock climbing accident. It left her unable to run, think clearly, sleep, and connect with loved ones. Desperate for healing, she consulted experts in brain health, nutrition, sports medicine, and mental health, trying a range of treatments and tracking her progress closely. This tumultuous process of research and discovery led to the creation of Mindeo, the leader in brain fitness.

We're so passionate about brain health we wrote a bestselling book on it.

After reading 100s of research studies, we realized that everyone should have the information they contain. Mindfire makes it easy to understand brain health, and what you can do about it. It's time to take control of the inflammation in your brain.

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